
Pi Chan Metal Co., Ltd.



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Investment in long screw and infinite length of the R & D and manufacturing


Extra Long Screws







馬車螺絲 馬車螺絲 馬車螺絲(Carriage bolts)是一種特殊的螺絲,通常用於連接木材或木質表面的應用中。它們的特點是具有平頭,頭部呈圓形,通常有一個方形的肩蓋(方頭)或圓形的頸部,底部則有一個延伸出來的方形或圓形螺紋部分。馬車螺絲的設計使其適用於特定的木工和建筑應用,其中需要平頭以防止螺絲在材料表面嵌入。

































Carriage bolts are specialized screws commonly used in applications where wood or wood surfaces are joined. They are characterized by having a flat, rounded head, often with a square cap (square head) or rounded neck, and a square or round threaded portion extending out from the base. The design of carriage screws makes them suitable for specific woodworking and construction applications where a flat head is required to prevent the screw from digging into the surface of the material.

Here's more information about carriage screws:

Purpose: Carriage screws are commonly used to secure wood structures such as planks, wood frames, wood pallets, etc. They are commonly found in construction, furniture making, and other areas of woodworking.

Head design: The head of the carriage screw has a flat head design, allowing it to embed into the surface of the material without protruding when locked, which helps prevent people from being injured or preventing the screw from interfering.

Installation: When installing carriage screws, you usually need to lock a nut under the screw head and tighten to join the material. The flat surface of the head makes them suitable for use with flat-bottomed tools, such as spanners or box spanners.

Materials and Coatings: Carriage screws are typically made of steel and may be galvanized or otherwise coated for added corrosion resistance.

Sizes: Carriage screws come in many different sizes, including diameter and length. Choosing the appropriate size screw depends on your specific application and needs.

Other uses: In addition to carpentry and construction applications, carriage screws may also be used in other situations, such as in certain mechanical or electromechanical equipment, depending on where a flat head versus a square head is required.

Carriage screws are special connecting elements designed to fasten wood and wooden surfaces. When selecting and installing, be sure to consider your specific application needs, including material type and thickness. If you have any further questions about a specific application or carriage screws, please feel free to provide more details and I will do my best to provide further assistance.

Safety of carriage screws: Due to the flat head design of carriage screws, they generally do not protrude when locked, making them less likely to be accidentally touched or damaged. This helps improve safety and reduces the risk of accidental injury.

Caps or Necks: The necks or caps of carriage screws are usually square or rounded, which makes them easier to embed when joining materials, while also helping to provide a degree of extra stability.

Choose Screw Material: Carriage screws are available in a variety of materials, including steel, stainless steel, and brass, depending on your specific application needs. Stainless steel carriage screws are often used outdoors or in wet environments because of their superior corrosion resistance.

Anti-theft design: Some carriage screws have anti-theft designs, such as features that prevent them from being unscrewed with hand tools, for added security.

Application Examples: Carriage screws can be used in a variety of wood applications including home construction, carpentry, patio structures, pastoral paths, doors, windows, furniture manufacturing, play structures and more.

NOTE: When installing carriage screws, be sure to choose the correct diameter and length to safely join the material. Additionally, the screws should embed themselves into the material when tightened, but should not be too tight to avoid damaging the material.

Market Availability: Carriage screws can typically be found at hardware stores, building supply stores, online vendors, and large home improvement stores.

Carriage screws are a widely used joining element, especially suitable for joining wood. Their flat head and special design make them useful in a variety of applications. If you need more specific advice on carriage screws or have other questions, please feel free to provide more details and I will be happy to assist further.


Installation steps of carriage screws: When installing carriage screws, first drill a hole in the wood, the diameter should be slightly larger than the diameter of the screw so that the screw can pass through. Then, insert the screw through the hole, install a nut under the screw head, and use a torque tool (usually a wrench or socket wrench) to tighten the screw until the head is flush with the surface of the wood.

Removalability of carriage screws: Unlike ordinary screws, carriage screws can be removed relatively easily after installation by simply loosening the nut under the screw head. This enables easy repair or replacement of wood components when required.

Appearance of carriage screws: The heads of carriage screws are usually smooth and come in many different appearances, such as round heads, flat heads, or square heads. You can choose based on your specific appearance needs.

Decorative Applications: In some cases, carriage screws are not only used for connections but can also be used in decorative applications, such as decorative doors or furniture. In these cases, the appearance and color of the screw may become more important.

Wood Selection: When using carriage screws to join wood, be sure to choose the right wood to ensure joint strength and durability. Different types and hardnesses of wood may require different carriage screws.

Special Applications: In some special situations, such as outdoor structures, bridges, infrared heaters, etc., carriage screws with special coatings or high strength may be required to cope with special environments or needs.

Carriage screws are versatile screws suitable for a variety of wood joining and carpentry applications. Please select the appropriate model, size and appearance based on your specific needs and application to ensure the success and beauty of your project. If you have any further questions about a specific application or carriage screws, please feel free to provide more details and I will do my best to provide further assistance.


Expanded uses for carriage screws: In addition to securing wood, carriage screws can also be used to secure metal-to-wood, metal-to-metal, and other material connections.

Screw head selection: There are many choices for carriage screw head designs, including round heads, flat heads, square heads, etc. Different head designs are suitable for different applications, please choose according to your needs.

Tensile properties of screws: Carriage screws generally have superior tensile properties, which means they can withstand large tensile loads, which is useful in applications where strong connections are required.

Professional Advice for Carriage Screws: When undertaking a large carpentry project or structural work it is advisable to seek the advice of a professional architect or carpenter to ensure that the carriage screws selected meet standards and engineering requirements.

Custom Carriage Screws: In some cases, you may need to order carriage screws with special sizes, special threads, or special materials to meet specific project needs.

Market Availability: Carriage screws can typically be found at hardware stores, building supply stores, online vendors, and large home improvement stores. Make sure the screws you purchase meet your needs.

Carriage screws are powerful joining elements that are widely used in a variety of applications, especially carpentry and construction projects. Selecting the appropriate model, size and head design, and adhering to safety and engineering requirements, ensures the strength and reliability of the connection. If you need more specific advice on carriage screws or have other questions, please feel free to provide more details and I will be happy to assist further.




在現代科技飛速發展的時代,許多傳統工藝和產品已被淘汰或被忽視。然而,在某些情況下,這些古老的技術和產品仍然具有極高的價值和實用性。馬車螺絲(Carriage bolts)就是一個很好的例子。在丕展金屬有限公司,我們專業製造的馬車螺絲不僅具有卓越的質量,而且在現代建築和製造領域中仍然扮演著重要的角色。








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2. 專業設計



3. 優異性能


















  1. 選擇正確的螺絲:確保選擇的螺絲尺寸、長度和規格與你的項目需求相符。馬車螺絲通常有不同直徑和長度可供選擇。

  2. 鑽孔:在需要固定的位置上預先鑽孔,確保孔的直徑稍小於螺絲的直徑。這有助於防止木材開裂,同時使螺絲更容易穿過木材。

  3. 插入螺絲:將螺絲插入預先鑽好的孔中,然後使用螺絲刀或扭力工具將螺絲旋入木材中。確保螺絲的頭部均勻地鑽入木材表面,但不要鑽得太深,以免損壞木材結構。

  4. 檢查:完成安裝後,仔細檢查螺絲是否緊固在木材中,並且沒有松動或鬆動的跡象。如果需要,可以使用木工膠水進一步固定螺絲。

  5. 重複步驟:根據你的項目需求,重複以上步驟安裝更多的馬車螺絲,直到所有需要固定的部分都被適當地固定。




  1. 預先打孔:在鑽孔之前,可以在木材表面使用中心尺或者自動中心沖子標記孔的中心點。這有助於確保孔的位置準確無誤。

  2. 選擇適當的螺絲長度:螺絲的長度應該足夠穿透被固定的兩個木材件,並且至少有一些部分穿透第二個木材件,以確保穩固性。

  3. 使用預鑽引導:對於較硬的木材,可以使用較小直徑的鑽頭進行預鑽,以確保螺絲能夠輕鬆地穿過木材。這也可以減少木材開裂的風險。

  4. 注意螺絲的頭部:馬車螺絲通常具有扁平的頭部,這樣可以讓它們與木材表面平齊,使得螺絲更不易被刮損或者凸出。

  5. 使用洗頭螺絲:洗頭螺絲在頭部周圍有一個平坦的較大直徑部分,可以提供更大的壓力分散,有助於防止木材表面分裂。

  6. 根據需要使用木工膠水:如果需要額外的穩固性,可以在螺絲插入孔中之前塗抹一些木工膠水。這將有助於加強螺絲和木材之間的黏附力。

  7. 適當的扭矩:安裝螺絲時,確保使用適當的扭矩,不要過度緊固螺絲,以免損壞木材或螺絲。

  8. 修整螺絲頭:如果螺絲頭在安裝過程中受損,可以使用木工鑽或螺絲頭修整器修整螺絲頭,以確保其外觀和功能。


There are some other considerations and tips to consider when installing carriage screws:

Pre-punch: Before drilling, you can use a center ruler or automatic center punch on the surface of the wood to mark the center point of the hole. This helps ensure the holes are positioned accurately.

Choose the appropriate screw length: The screw should be long enough to penetrate both pieces of wood being fastened, and at least partially through the second piece of wood to ensure stability.

Use a pre-drill guide: For harder wood, you can pre-drill with a smaller diameter drill bit to ensure the screw can easily pass through the wood. This also reduces the risk of the wood splitting.

Pay attention to the heads of the screws: Carriage screws often have flat heads, which allows them to sit flush with the surface of the wood and make the screws less likely to be scratched or bulged.

Use a washer-head screw: A washer-head screw has a flat, larger diameter section around the head that provides greater pressure dispersion and helps prevent the wood surface from splitting.

Use carpenter's glue as needed: If you need extra stability, you can apply some carpenter's glue before inserting the screws into the holes. This will help strengthen the adhesion between the screw and the wood.

Proper Torque: When installing screws, make sure to use proper torque and do not overtighten the screws to avoid damaging the wood or screws.

Trim the screw heads: If the screw heads are damaged during installation, you can trim the screw heads with a woodworking drill or screw head trimmer to ensure their appearance and functionality.

These tips can help you install carriage screws more efficiently and ensure your woodworking project has good stability and appearance.

螺紋是一種重要的機械連接,其歷史可以追溯到遠古時代。 在古代文明時期,人們利用螺旋原理開發固定物體,並在生產中使用木質和金屬製品。 然而,珍珠母貝的使用在工業革命期間得以實現,並得到充分發展和普及。

工業革命期間,機械工業的發展催生了馬車,這是當時主要的交通工具之一。 帶螺紋的馬車的出現,馬車的強度和安全性,是當時馬車生產的關鍵。

馬車螺桿的設計和功能從開始到完成都具有重要影響。 其主要功能包括固定輪、底板等主要部件,確保車廂行駛過程中的穩定性與安全性。 應考慮螺紋的設計需要,包括材料、尺寸、螺紋結構等,以確保能夠接受車廂的各種能力。

19世紀工業革命期間,機械化生產技術的發展和馬車螺絲製造技術的發展取得了最大的突破。 最初,線是由工匠和工匠製作的,需要大量的消耗和時間、人力。 但由於機械化生產技術的引進,螺絲製造過程逐漸自動化,大大提高了生產效率和品質。

馬車螺絲起子的出現對當時馬車製造業的誕生產生了重大影響,同時也為後來的機器製造業奠定了基礎。 螺絲製造是一種重要的機械連接,在現代機械製造中仍是較難進行的。 當然,它用於火車、飛機、建築物、日常家居用品以及城市地區未開封的螺旋布。

第 5 章:結論
馬車螺絲是工業革命時期的重要神器,作者書寫了人類工業文明的發展軌跡。 透過回顧珍珠母貝框架的歷史、設計、製造和影響深遠的探索,我能夠進一步加深對微觀但極其重要的機械連接的理解。 它是其歷史上工業發展和文明進步的代表性範例。